Relationships are like roller coaster rides. When things are good, they are very, very good. When things are bad, they are very, very bad.
Below is my Top 10 Lists of things MEN should and shouldn't do in a relationship.
1. Just listen to your partner without offering advice.
2. Trust and respect her.
3. Treat her as an equal partner in your relationship.
4. Stay and support her when she gets emotional. She is looking for understanding, not solutions.
5. Continue your courtship even after she ís committed to you. Continue to create romance in your relationship.
6. Do little things on a regular basis. A woman doesn’t care if you call her at work to say, ìI love you or if you buy a new TV for the living room. The small things are worth just as much as the big ones.
7. Honour any agreements you have made with her.
8. Encourage her goals and direction.
9. Find out what your partner would like to do and then do it with her.
10. Say I'm sorry when you've done something you regret or that was hurtful to your partner, whether intentionally or unintentionally.
1. Go to bed angry with your partner.
2. Try to offer advice or solutions when your partner just needs you to listen to her without comment.
3. Pretend to listen to her when you really aren't.
4. Shut your partner out when you need to sort things out in your head. Just explain you need space, you aren't angry with your partner and that you'll be back.
5. Criticise your partner, especially her appearance.
6. Shout at your partner.
7. Take every word she says literally. Women, when upset, tend to speak in absolutes, such as You NEVER listen to me; when what she really means is that you aren't listening to her at that time.
8. Allow jealousy to kill the trust, love and respect of your relationship.
9. Violate her privacy.
10. Forget special occasions.
Men and women have different communication styles, different needs and desires, and different relationship challenges.
Learning these differences can assist us in strengthening the relationships we have now and in the future.
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