Saturday, 24 August 2013

When To Confront Your Cheating Partner

Have you just recently learned that your partner is or has been cheating on you? If you have concrete proof, you may want to confront him or her right away. Of course, it is your decision to do so, but there are a few important points that you will want to take into consideration first. After all, calling out a cheating partner is a major step, but is it one that you are ready to take?

When looking to confront a cheating spouse, it is important to know that you can do so at just about any point in time. If you are ready to confront your partner now, go ahead and do so. If you would prefer to wait, like until you are ready to start divorce or separation proceedings, be sure to wait. Although it may be difficult to stand the sight of your significant other, it is important to proceed with caution.

One of the best times to confront your other half is when you have concrete proof. Did you see them cheating? Were they having sex or just out to dinner? What about documentation? Do you have pictures or video of your spouse being inappropriate with another? Do you have credit card receipts or cell phone bills that point towards an affair? If you do, you may be ready to confront your spouse. Unfortunately, too many men and women make the mistake of jumping the gun.

Although there is a good chance that you may choose to forgive your cheating spouse, you may also wish to end the relationship. Until you are ready to start divorce or separations proceedings, it is a wise idea to not say anything. Many men and women feel comfort and peace of mind when they are first able to get their life in order before they spring a divorce on their husband or wife or tell them they are leaving.

Another sign that you may be ready to confront your cheating partner is if you are ready to leave the home if you have to. With that being said, it is important to not leave in certain circumstances. Is the home in your name? Do you help to pay the bills or do you pay most of them? Do you have children? If so, you may want to refrain from uprooting your whole life. Instead, make your cheating spouse leave. Just know that they may refuse to do so right away.

As previously stated, it is a wise idea to get your affairs in order before confronting a cheating partner and asking them for a divorce or separation. You will want to focus on your finances. Are you in good financial standing? Does most of your money belong to your spouse or is it in their control? If so, you may want to wait. Unless you have a good and secure network of friends and family members, it is important to make sure that you can financially survive on your own, especially if you have children.

The best time to confront a cheating spouse is when you know it is safe to do so. Does your husband or wife have violent tendencies? If so, be sure to keep the kids away. Next, consider confronting them in public or have a trusted friend or relative on hand. For your safety, never confront a cheating spouse who has been drinking or who has used drugs. This is likely to increase the chance of violence. Confronting your spouse and ending your relationship should be important to you, but please don’t put yourself at risk.

As you can see, when confronting a cheating partner there are times when it is best to wait. Always be sure to follow your best judgment. If the time doesn’t seem right, it likely isn’t.