Thursday, 26 September 2013

Four Ways to Improve Intimacy With Your Husband

If you are married then you are more than likely to love your husband very much but as the cliché goes 'sometimes love just ain't enough' to keep the spark alive and the relationship going strong.

How is life between the sheets? Is your love life needing a make-over? If so you might be nervous discussing the subject with him as he might get the impression that he doesn't satisfy you anymore. Don't worry though as there are ways to improve things without trying too hard.

Date Your Husband

I've touched on this subject in previous blogs and i'm reiterating the point because I believe dating is hugely important to keeping the spark alive between the pair of you. Many married men and women get to the point where they can't be bothered investing time and effort into the relationship. They get too comfortable and get complacent with each other. Don't fall into this trap as your relationship will be on a rocky road and it will get to a point when it will feel more like a friendship. Instead ask your partner out on a date like you used to do when you first got together.

Now many wives might think that their husbands should do the asking but you sometimes have to take the bull by the horns and ask for yourself. Why not choose a romantic activity like a candlelit dinner in a sexy restaurant, a night in a hotel or a movie or comedy night. Dating can help reignite the passion in your relationship while improving the intimacy too.

Carry Out Some Romantic Gestures

When it comes to being romantic many women make the mistake of thinking it is up to the men. Wrong- it takes two people in a relationship to make it work. One of the easiest ways of getting that loving feeling back is showing some romantic gestures. When out shopping with your husband then why not hold his hand? When you walk by them in the house then grab them and give them a kiss. Make sure you tell your partner you love them last thing before you fall asleep at night or pop a note in his bag telling him you can't wait to see him when he gets home at night.

Be Sexy and Seductive

When was the last time you went out and bought some lingerie to turn your man on and make you feel sexy? If you have been married for a while you probably won't remember. Well make it your mission to buy some sexy nightwear to get the romance going between you again. Also don't always wait for your husband to initiate sex, get frisky and watch his amazed but excited reaction. Why not perform a striptease for your partner or just start massaging their body. You may be surprised just how easy and effective it is to be sexy and seductive.

Be Spontaneous

If you have a routine when it comes to sex then switch things up a bit. Change your sex positions, experiment with new ones. Why not surprise your partner when he comes home from work by just wearing your lingerie when he walks through the door. Also don't always have sex in the bedroom, try every room in your house. Send some saucy texts or leave him post-it notes telling him what you plan on doing to him when you see him next. Why not introduce some toys into the bedroom to spice things up? Remember that experimenting in the bedroom doesn't have to mean you feeling uncomfortable, just do what you feel is appropriate in your relationship.

It's easy for any relationship to go stale at some point and it really does take time and effort to keep the relationship fun and sexy.

Relationships are like anything else in life- if you put the hard work in then you will get the rewards.